Knee and Foot Injuries with Surgical Repairs - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing
This exhibit begins with one small overall view of the entire lower body of a male figure from the waist down to the feet. Circles are drawn around the right knee, left knee and right foot to highlight these regions of injury.rnrnAlso, enlarged views of each region illustrate the injuries in greater detail. The following specific injury images are included: Skeletal view of the left knee revealing the large medial meniscus tear, the lateral meniscus tear, the ACL tear, the LCL tear and the contusions of the medial femoral condyle and tibial ; Skeletal view of the right knee revealing the ACL tear; Skeletal view of the right foot revealing the fracture of the proximal 5th metatarsal.rnrnFinally, two additional enlargements represent the surgical repairs. The following specific surgical images are included: Anterior view of the left knee with the arthroscopic instruments in place performing the medial meniscectomy as the torn portions of the meniscus are being cut away; Skeletal view of the right foot showing the placement of the large intramedullary fixation screw into the 5th metatarsal.